Online Promotion Methods: Quality Content

In 2022, the competition for quality content is so intense that there are over 7.7 billion social media users globally.

2 million blogs published every day, 1.9 billion Google searches and social media users increased by 202 million between April 2019 and April 2022. Everyone wants to have an increased audience.

But what do you need to do for it?

23 minutes to read
Posted by ZONK Digital at January 27, 2021

We have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the biggest challenge for any business is to create quality content (as long as the number of posts increases, the chances of having a large audience decrease because you don’t have time to read or view as much information). And now the good news: many companies do not do good social media marketing, do not apply different methods of online promotion and make mistakes that lead to low engagement, giving the rest of us a better chance to create quality content.

In today’s article I will teach you how to build a large social media audience that can generate good results, and of course I will share some tips and secrets about some methods of online promotion. So, let’s get started!



First and foremost, social media is made for developing a relationship with your audience. You don’t have to sell directly. You have the opportunity to start a conversation with your future customers, but you need to focus on relevant content to gain trust. In the future, the trust will be converted into a sale.

How to gain trust? find out in the following lines…


People don’t like to read too much on social media. And the truth is, they don’t even have time to do that. When you scroll through the news feed, you do it quickly, and the attention will be captured by the short text.

Therefore, try as much as possible to be concise. And don’t forget: keywords are the cornerstone of any social media marketing. Businesses can benefit from keywords in implementing their social media content strategy.


More opinions will always be better than one. So, after you finish the text of the post, check it with your colleagues. You will definitely end up in much better shape. All for an increased audience!


One of the most powerful methods of online promotion is represented by visual content that will add to the content created by you. Try to use photos taken by you, don’t use images taken from google (it’s very possible that the copyright belongs to someone else). And if you have no inclination towards photography or photoshop, try royalty free websites, there are many. Now represent your business with quality photography/graphics.


Now is the time to create unique quality content. If you don’t have a blog, now is the time to do one. A blog offers a chance to discuss a topic in detail. It’s a place where you can provide DIY tips and tricks, how-tos, and other useful content for readers (just like I do with this article for ZONK). And of course you can add SEO keywords to it. Once you’ve created your blog, you can start sharing articles on social media and subscribe to top industry blogs using RSS to keep up with the latest topics.


It is said that an infographic is 3 times more appreciated than an image or text, being one of the most powerful methods of online promotion. I think every business should start using infographics and also Google trends show that people are interested in infographics. To create an interesting infographic, you can use free online tools or hire a graphic designer to create something unique. Don’t forget the article “10 Golden Rules in Web Design”, it can help you a lot. Be careful with Facebook’s text overlap limit. “If the proportion of text per image is too high, your promoted ad may not perform at its best.”


Social media data can tell you a lot about industries, customers, age, gender, and what we should be doing more of and what we should be doing less of. Check insights regularly and modify future posts based on the data.


When your posts link to your website, you need to have a professional website or one that properly represents your business. We live in 2020 and most people access websites from smartphones, so you need to have a responsive website. For more information please see the following article: “Responsive Website: How it can grow your business?”

If you need a team of professionals to make your website more attractive, don’t hesitate to contact us..


Most people who want to grow their engaging content think more about themselves than their audience. And it is so wrong! Great content marketers win when they write for their audience’s needs and behaviors. So it’s simple, start empathizing more with your potential customers.


Have you ever wondered why stories with three characters are the most successful? The number three was used so often in our childhood that we are drawn to it in adulthood. So use it and you’ll likely end up with more engaging content. And if you fail at the first, you will surely succeed at the third.


All algorithms in the online environment focus more and more on rating being one of the most effective methods of online promotion. For example: even you or I choose our favorite holiday destinations or restaurants after evaluation. Is that right?

It’s a great idea to share customer testimonials, success stories and reviews on your social media channels. Make the testimonials visible on the website. 😉


Try to find what type of content gets better results. You can use Pinterest for that.


Hashtags represent one of the most used methods of online promotion, helping to build the brand; boost a campaign; keep in touch with the public; gain more likes and followers. Remember: Hashtag is a method of indexing keywords to facilitate good search results.

How to find the best hashtag? First, follow the influencers; be specific; create your own hashtag; use unique but relevant hashtags.


I discovered this method for ZONK and it works. It’s simple: put quotes in your post and tag the author. Try tagging influencers.


Place social media buttons in your newsletters, website, blog and wherever it is allowed. It will definitely increase your chance of getting more engagement, by 158% to be exact, experts say. This is the way to the big audience!


If you want more data about social media check this link. It will definitely help you understand better.

Don’t forget: smart text with a well-chosen color scheme, bright images, strong content and some audio-visual attractions mixed in can lead to the ideal recipe for a perfect content and not forgetting the relevant content strategy! And do not be impatient if the results do not appear immediately, it takes a lot of time, patience and practice for a large audience. The best online promotion methods are tested for your industry and adapted to the needs of your customers.


We hope we were helpful!

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