What security risks does working from home involve?

The rapid changes in life and our way of working oblige us to be constantly aware of the security risks involved in working from home and how we can protect ourselves when we are no longer in the internal network of our company.

4 minutes to read
Posted by ZONK Digital at February 3, 2021

Here are some tips to protect your employees who work from home.🛡️

1️⃣ Perform regular device scans and updates.
Request scan reports two to four times a year and you can ensure that devices are safe from any detectable problems.

2️⃣ Change passwords.
Change your Wi-Fi password regularly. Yes, it means you’ll have to reconnect all your devices again, but it also deters any unwanted visitors.

3️⃣ Update the firmware periodically.
The router runs low-level software called firmware that essentially controls everything the router does. It sets the security standards for your network.

4️⃣ Use VPNs to access your network.
A virtual private network is a group of computers or networks that work together on the Internet. Use VPNs as a way to secure and encrypt your communications.

5️⃣ Change the position of the router in the home.
Place the wireless router in the middle of the house. You don’t want the wireless signal range to extend too far outside your home, where it can be easily intercepted by malicious individuals.


Make sure you have antivirus and/or anti-malware security software installed.

6️⃣ Improve the protection of connected devices.
Check which devices connect to your network most often and make sure they have antivirus and/or anti-malware security software installed.

7️⃣ Beware of phishing and other scams.
Sometimes hackers send you an unsolicited text or email with a link. If you click on the link, the sender has access to all sorts of things on your device.



Securing the home network and continuously training employees about security risks in working from home should be a major priority for those who want to keep data safe.

Learn more about the GDPR security breach here.

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